Don't believe everything you read and a few more supplements on my top list
- Natural Factors Tranquil Sleep
- Recovox -
These two supplements have been life savers for me. When I am training a lot for something like an Ironman, I find I have trouble sleeping. As good as exercise is for you it increases the production of a hormone called cortisol. If your cortisol is too high you might have trouble sleeping, trouble losing weight, you may lose muscle, and training may be a struggle. Recovox helps keep cortisol levels low. This is an amazing supplement. I find when taking this I can have a day of hard training and feel as fresh as can be the following day for training.
Now I want to talk about something that really bugs me. Being a personal trainer and triathlon coach I have a lot of people asking me questions about health and training all the time. I give them my opinion, and then sometimes I hear from them, "Well I read on the Internet that....". I have one guy that swims at the club I work at during my swim class. He is an Internet junky. He just recently got into the sport of triathlon (he has done one). He must spend every spare second reading everything online he can find about triathlons. The worst part is he believes everything. There is so much junk out there you cant believe everything you hear or read. What I do for one client might be completely different for another. Everyone is different and responds different to a variety of training. It is very important to take bits and pieces of what you read and ultimately find what works for you. Take it all with a grain of salt. A great example is, all the diets that have come out over the years. Some of the popular diets have been promoted by physicians. Does that mean they have worked or been healthy? The answer is NO! Ultimately what works to lose weight is workout more and eat less. Sure you want to eat healthy foods too but lets face it weight loss is not rocket science.
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