
Showing posts from August, 2014

Managing Your Injuries and Annoying Pains While Training

Over the years I have had various minor injuries that have put a glitch into my training.  I have been very fortunate to have been able to train through most of my issues. I have not had any major problem that had me down for any significant time.   Some of the problems include: Piraformus syndrome Plantar faciatis  Migraines Anterior tibia tendonitis Tendonitis of the retinaculum tendon - top of foot Strained glute medius Sacral cysts I am sure there are things I am forgetting but those are the ones that really stand out as causing me some issues.  Probably the worst thing I have had to deal with was the piraformus syndrome.  I had this a long time ago when I did not know about active release therapy and graston therapy which most Chiropractors can perform.  I saw a sports ortho specialist when I had piraformus syndrome and had a variety of treatments for it, none of which worked until I found ART.  I had cortisone and lidacane inject...