Fueling For Performance

As triathletes many of us workout to eat more. I sometimes see people who train a lot gorging on unhealthy food after a long workout. Lets face it I have fallen victim to this on occasion. I don't think it's going to kill you once in a while to reward yourself with something tasty but if that once in a while becomes a daily occurrence you might have a problem. It is important to remember the better you eat, the better your performance will be, and the better your recovery will be. Fueling your body right, can be the difference between an ok season of racing and a great season of racing! Fueling right requires very little work! People don't eat healthy because they are lazy. They will spend a lot of time working out but not save a few minutes to prepare something healthy. Here are some key components to improving your nutrition choices: Incorporate healthy carbohydrates in your diet from non-processes sources. Carbs like oat...