Healthy Eating and Healthy Living

Do you think you're eating healthy and wondering why you can't lose any weight?  When I talk to people about their diet they always say things like I eat really healthy.  Then I question them a little more and the things holding them back from their weight loss goals become clear.  It is important when you start making changes to your diet you make small changes.  It is much easier to make and stick with small changes.  Making drastic changes can make you feel like you are depriving yourself of things which can lead to binge eating. 

Tracking your food is a great way to get a good idea of exactly how you are doing.  I am not saying you have to track your food forever but doing it for a few weeks will open your eyes to things like overall calories, sugar, fiber, and carb, protein and fat ratios.  Once you have an idea of how much you are eating you can make adjustments to make sure everything is more balanced.  While eating small meals throughout the day is ideal it is not essential to weight loss.  Eating total calories below total expenditure is the best way to lose weight.  With that said you don't want to eat most of your diet from fat or one specific macro.  Keep in mind that calories from alcohol will inhibit your body burning carbohydrates for energy.   Alcohol consumption is not good for weight loss because alcohol calories will be burned first.  

myfitnesspal is one app you can use

By tracking your calories you will be able to see how much sugar you are consuming.  Most people eat way too much sugar.  The American Heart Association recommends about 6 tablespoons per day for women which is 25 grams or 100 calories.  They recommend no more than 9 tablespoons per day for men which is 36 grams or 150 calories.   If you are trying to lose weight then eating less than that is even better.  

Most people don't get enough fiber in their diet.  Ideally women should eat about 25 grams of fiber a day and men should eat about 35 grams.  Eating a high fiber diet is important to help with weight management, help keep cholesterol low, and help with regular bowel movements.  

Tracking your calories will also help you see the ratio of your carb, protein and fat. Generally speaking people should eat the following ratios:

  • Carbohydrates: 45 to 65 percent
  • Protein: 10 to 35 percent
  • Fat: 20 to 35 percent

Keep in mind this ratio can change depending on your goals, exercise levels, and food preferences.  If you are vegan it might be slightly more challenging to get  35% protein .....but it can be done.  If you are exercising a lot like training for a marathon or ironman you will probably be around 60-65% carbohydrates.  If you are trying to lose weight then you should be less carbohydrates and you should ensure they are coming from a good source.  Too many carbs from processed foods and sugar is not ideal for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.  So let's talk about eating less processed foods.   If you are trying to eat healthy and lose weight it is important to limit processed foods.  If weight loss is important  then you need to also pay attention to portion size.  Most people eat portion sizes that are way too big.  If you start to measure food and pay more attention to portion size you will be amazed how quickly you can begin to lose weight if you eat the right portion size and calories.  Some people have a lot of success with preparing meals in advance and prepping them in individual containers.  This way everything is measured out in advance.  You can google ideas for meal prepping and find some great suggestions!

Let's recap:

  • Track food - at least for two weeks to see where you are at and what you need to change
  • Eat balance macros 
  • Limit processed foods
  • Eat adequate fiber each day
  • Limit sugar
  • Limit or eliminate alcohol
  • Eat calories based upon your daily activity.  Eat more on very active days and less on days when you exercise less
  • Prepare meals ahead of time and portion them out
  • Make small changes over time
  • Drink adequate water throughout the day 
I tell clients to try and only keep healthy options at the house so you are not tempted to grab something unhealthy.  If you live with someone who likes to eat junk food and it's in your house then tell them to put it someplace you don't have access to or hide it.  

Good Luck,
Coach Cyndee 


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