How Often Should You Get A Massage?

Clients always ask me how often they should come for a massage.  I wish the answer was easy and I could give one answer to everyone but it really depends on the individual.   

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How much can I afford financially and how much time can I afford?  
  • Why do I get massages? Is it for relaxation and stress? Is it to reduce pain or improve performance? 
  • How do you feel when you get a massage, after your massage or when you don't get one regularly?
I have clients that get massages weekly, biweekly, and monthly.  I also have clients that come in only when they are in pain.  If you schedule sessions regularly you are less likely to have major problems.  It is much more difficult to work on someone who only gets massaged when they have a problem.  A lot of times if you have something that is causing a problem it might not be good to get a massage anyway.  If someone is in a lot of pain and wants a massage I will sometimes just do a light massage until the pain subsides and we have a better idea of what is going on.  

I personally prefer to get a Thai massage or stretching for one session and then a deep tissue for the next session.  I  get massages every other week and every week if I am getting close to an event.  Sometimes I book a short session (60 minutes instead of 90 or 120) and have them work on my feet and calves because that is sometimes an issue for me.  

I also provide short 30 minute sessions for clients to work on target areas.  In these sessions I might do blading or cupping to work out specific problems someone is having.  

Contact me to book your appointment!!
Coach Cyndee


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