Plan To Succeed

It doesn't matter if you hope to complete a 5k, sprint triathlon, marathon, or ironman you need  a plan to get to the finish line.  If your goal is to lose weight, feel better and live a healthier life then you need a plan to do that too.  You have to make the decision to make a change and commit to the change.   In the end that will lead to success in whatever you want to do.  I have seen people do unthinkable and unbelievable things because they have a great plan to get there and they were very committed to the process.  It is also important to make realistic goals for you as an individual.  Many people decide on a goal because a friend is making a change and has convinced them to do it with them.  This may not be the right goal for you or it may not be realistic for you.  It is important to take into account how achieving this goal will affect your lifestyle and think about the time commitment involved.  Can you dedicate yourself 100% to following the plan with work and family?  If not it may not be the right goal for you.   When you set a goal there should not be a -if I can't do this then I will do that clause in the goal.  If that is the case then that goal is probably unrealistic for you and you have set yourself up for failure from the beginning.  Follow a good plan and you will succeed in your goals.  


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