They Did IT! Great Job!

Here is Tigger watching the finish...
he looks really excited....right?
Yesterday I went to watch the Irongirl Triathlon in Las Vegas.  I took my trusty friend Tigger to help me cheer on all the participants.  I had several clients racing in it this year.  Some were veterans to the whole triathlon thing like Nancy Dickenson.  Some were new and this was their first triathlon like Stacy.  It is always fun to watch all levels race.  I knew everyone had trained hard and was going to do great.  It is so rewarding to see people accomplish a goal.  Nancy was 2nd overall last year so I had confidence this year she was going to win and sure enough she kicked butt.  She beat the second place girl by almost 4 minutes!

Nancy after the race still looking like she
could keep going!
Stacy, Whitney and Terri all finished close together.  That is appropriate because they all trained together.  They did awesome!  Terri finished with her dogs leash around her waist as a race belt.  Her dog that she had for 13 years passed away on Wednesday the week before the race.  I can't imagine how hard that is because my dogs are so close to me.  I am so glad she pushed forward to complete this race.  It takes alot of determination to continue with something like a race in the midst of being heartbroken from a loss.  For some people (like me and many others) their pet is like a child or a best friend.  Finishing the race for Ruby was an awesome way to remember her.  
Whitney and I after the race
Whitney overcame fear of the open water to complete this race. Her first triathlon was a terrible experience and left her not wanting to do it again.  With a good group of people to pull her through the fear she had a great swim. 

Stacy before the race!
Stacy had an injury leading up to Irongirl so she wasn't running at all. I had her deep water running for most of her run training. She was finally able to run and we worked into it slowly over the past few weeks. She finished with a great run time!  Just because your injured don't count yourself creative and find ways to get it done.

Debbie beat her last year time by 40 minutes!  A huge improvement but not good enough for her. She is already talking about doing better next year!
Sam finished the swim with alot of determination.  She didn't get out to the open water much to practice but she made it through the swim and finished the race even on a rented bike.  Great job!

Once everyone was finished the girls from Lululemon brought out this sign!  I of course said YES I want to be an ambassador for the best workout clothing around LULULEMON!  The store does so much around the community and I am so excited to be a part of the Lululemon team! 


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