Race Day Is Almost Here - Oh NO

Wow January 15th is almost here and that means I have to run 26.2 miles this Sunday.  I put the marathon as part of my ATP (annual training plan) this year.  Now that it is here I am wondering why I wanted to run another marathon.  Of course I talked several other people into it with me so I will not suffer alone. I am not sure if that will make me feel any better race day. I have done so many triathlons, Ironmans, Ultra Marathon (50 miles) and I love to run people assume I have done a lot of marathons.  That is not the case.  I can give you a short list of my marathons that I have completed:
  • Maui Marathon (my first)
  • Honolulu Marathon
  • Vegas Marathon (2 times and 1 dnf) read one of my original blog posts on my dnf at Vegas one year. It is quite amusing:)
  • San Diego
  • Run With The Devil ( I was attempting the 50 miler and got heat exhaustion so I only did 35 but received a finisher medal for the marathon so I guess I can count this one!)
And that's it, enough to count on one hand.  This time my marathon training included a little more speed work than I have done in the past.  Unfortunately when running a trail a few months ago I strained a lower glute muscle.  This has limited my speed work the last month leading into the marathon.  My glute feels better but not 100%.  I am not really sure how this race will play out.

Some things I do leading up to any major event include the following:
  • Begin drinking more than usual fluids about a week prior to the event. I  will add an electrolyte fizz tablet into my 1.5 liter of water.  I use Hammer Fizz tablets.
  • Get stretched by Nancy (www.corehore.com) Friday before the event.
  • Stretch and foam roll on my own throughout the week.
  • Taper began last week.  Taking it really easy the week of the event.  This is extremely hard for me because I begin to feel fat and out of shape if I can't get those hard workouts in that get my endorphins going. (being a coach I know the importance of the taper and I know I am not getting fat but I still feel this way)
  • Go a little easy on strength training the week of the event.  Don't do any legs maybe a little upper body and core work.
  • Get a massage about 5 days prior to the event.
  • Pay really close attention to diet days leading up to the event.  Make sure you limit processed foods that may cause inflammation.  Keep eating clean with good carbs such as brown rice and oatmeal. 
  • Keep stress in your life to a minimum.  Stress raises cortisol levels. High cortisol causes many negative things in your body.  It can cause disruptive sleep patterns and that can lead to fatigue. 
  • Get plenty of sleep.  Ensure going into your event all week you are getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.
  • Get all the details for your race.  Be prepared and read all the race information thoroughly.  Don't be caught off guard race day!
I have a really packed race season this year.  This is the first of many so I hope to start the season off right.  I am looking forward to getting it behind me and putting my thoughts onto my next adventure.  That will be Panama 70.3 in February! 


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