Healthy Habits For Everyone

If you have wanted to improve your health but have been struggling where to begin then you should read this! You don't have to start by making huge changes that will be hard to adjust to. You can start simple and gradually increase each new habit overtime. Here are some easy things you can start doing to improve your health. Move More This doesn't mean you have to do an hour of vigorous exercise each day. If you currently are not doing anything then simply add a 10 minutes of movement into your daily routine. You can start with a 10 minute walk, 10 minutes of resistance training, 10 minutes of elliptical even 10 minutes of dancing. Some other things you can do to move more is to park further away when you go to stores or use stairs if your appointment is only a few floors up. Drink More Water So many people don't drink enough water. If you fall into this category then make a conscious effort to drink more water. If you are drinking soda tr...