Don't believe everything you read and a few more supplements on my top list

Above is my new logo for my business. At the bottom of the blog you will see a picture of the t-shirts that are now available on my website. The design below is on the front of the shirt and the logo at the top of this page is on the back top of the shirts. They are a great tech material. This last weekend a few of us went to the lake to do a brick workout. It was really good to finally get back on my bike. I was running so much over the past several months that I rarely ( ok, not at all) got on my bike. Saturday we did a short ride, run, and swim at Lake Mead. Today me and Cory went for a ride after I taught spin. My legs were a little tired and my butt now hurts! I know that will go away once I am on the bike more. I forgot how much I enjoy riding. Cory is a good match for me to ride with. We are pretty equal on the bike. When you are looking for a training partner it is important to find someone close to your level. If you train with people above your ability you will likely over t...